At Dharma of Trees we are touched by the endorsements of Zen Peacemakers International as well as the Upaya Institute & Zen Center:
Our lives are intimately intertwined with the ancient, live-giving forests of the Northwest, of the Amazon, of the Congo. This powerful endeavor carried out by The Dharma of Trees manifests the brave practice and work that brings us back again and again to the natural world as an ally, a protector, and as a place of realization.
Rev. Joan Jiko Halifax, Abbot, Upaya Zen Center
As an Affiliate of Zen Peacemakers International, the work of Dr. Chris Goto-Jones and The Dharma of Trees aligns seamlessly with our values and our vows. Interconnectedness of all beings--human, animal, plants, trees, rivers--is not a belief or a sentiment, but rather a profound reality we can experience. I am the river. We are the trees. So when we see loss and destruction and climate crisis, it could not be more personal. Dharma of Trees's work with eco-chaplaincy is essential to addressing the grief and sense of loss we all experience together.
Geoff Shōun O'Keeffe, Executive Director, Zen Peacemakers International
dana for dharma of trees
In many Buddhist traditions, no payment can be taken for teachings or services because the dharma is priceless and should be shared freely for the benefit of all beings. Dharma of Trees works on the same principle and makes no charges. Anyone who wishes to support our work or to express gratitude for it by making a gift of dana (gratitude) is welcome to do so.
Dana can be donated to the Dharma of Trees Fellowship, a legally registered and incorporated non-profit society in British Columbia, Canada. 100% of all dana will be used to support the work of Dharma of Trees, enabling us to continue providing services in person on Vancouver Island and elsewhere from a distance.